Tuesday, March 21, 2006

classes resumed!

whee... it's over. Yup, my very last spring break in ORU is over! hmm.. well, am really not too upset over that coz that just means that the time to go home is drawing nearer! jump for joy! was talking again to curry about being able to be home FOR GOOD. gosh! what a blessing! we talked about it so much that i simply can't wait to go! hehe.. but i know i know.. I need to work really hard from now till then :)

I just realized that i've watched lots of movie in this past 3 months. gosh... have never watched that many movies in such a short period of time... Let me try listing them.. er..

) Cheaper by the dozen 1
2) Cheaper by the dozen 2
3) In her shoes
4) Bridget jones diary 1
5) King kong
6) Walk the line
7) End of the spear
8) Bride & prejudice
9) Cinderella story
10) Janette oke's love comes slowly (i think)

haha.. 10 in 3 months! awesome. I think i left out some.. i'll keep thinking. hmm..

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