Friday, October 03, 2008

End of the spear (again)

Relived the moments of the movie, "End of the Spear". Watched it again with my cell tonight. It gripped my heart again. Re-read my 2006 blog on this movie. I remembered feeling really touched, and seeing the power of forgiveness at work in the life of the son and family of Nate Saint (the missionary who was speared to death). I also remembered that i could not believe my own eyes when i saw steve saint and Mincaye live in Tulsa. They were so close and steve saint showed Mincaye so much love and respect even though that was the man who killed his dad... mind blowing.

The power of God's love is immeasurable. God's way and our ways are just so different.

we say, an eye for an eye.
Jesus says, "Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also"- Matt 5:39

we say, i hate my enemies.
Jesus says, "Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven"- Matt 5:44

What impacted me the most as i watched the movie tonight was when Mincaye brought steve to the exact place where his father was killed and told him that he was the one who speared his dad. He then passed a spear to steve and awaits for steve to kill him. However, steve dropped the spear and said "no one took my father's life, he gave it" Watch it here...

See the real them...

May you experience the love of God too.. =)

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